Eric Conveys an Emotion was created in the summer of 1998. I was bored and wanted to make a new web site that people would laugh and have fun at. I had just gotten a camcorder and hooked it up to my computer, but I didn't want to just make another cheesy webcam site. This site is loosely based on a bit that Andy Richter used to do on his show. A word would appear at the bottom of the screen and he would half-heartedly make the facial expression for it. I thought it would be cool to take that one step further and let people choose what they wanted to see, since I could never come up with some of the stuff that gets requested, especially now that the 'real' emotions have kind of run dry. I have never advertised this site, but it seems to get around and now a few thousand people a day stop by and visit. Who knew?


Eric is a simple man. He enjoys lasagna, snowboarding, movies, traveling, talking in the third person, and nothing else. He grew up in Florida and graduated from the University of Florida. Eric has been living in California for the past 5 years and currently works for Yahoo!. Do you Yahoo?

I will be the very first to say how pointless this site is. In fact, I probably was. I beat you all to it. I originally did this because I thought it would be fun. It is, and the reason that I continue to do it is because people email me and tell me it made them laugh, brightened their day, good stuff like that. Although I've had offers, I don't put advertisements on this site. Money is cool but it's only money. Am I goody-goody or what. Oh well, maybe one day I'll sell out to the man and move out to Beverly Hills and get me a Humvee. Yeah... that's the ticket...

Below is a sample of some messages from people, I didn't have to pay them (much).

"Eric, I think you have a terribly comic face and ought to continue taking full advantage of it. Kudos on a wonderful page that makes me laugh when I am down." Calista, NY

"This is sensational. No awards worthy of such a website." Mike, Chicago

"I was having a rotten day...then I saw your site...it was like all of the tension got laughed away! Thanks!" Marcy, Houston

Emotion request: "Knowing that you have a website that brings a smile and a laugh to someone's day." Mavra, Florida

"Fantastic home page. Going to show it to all my friends." Dan, Boston

"Man, I love this site! I was crying in my computer lab because I was trying so hard not to laugh out loud! Keep it up, my good fellow!" Duncan, Birmingham

"Brilliant and entertaining...the web needs ideas like this...a fabulous alternative to the usual boring sites." Greg, Albuquerque

"This site always cheers me up!!" Christie, Florida

"This site, and your antics, are cool. Ya brighten my day, big guy. :)" Heather, Indiana

"Just a thank-you for being on the web. it's good to find some smile-webplace." Ludo, Belgium

"I believe this is the greatest website known to mankind. Thanks to you I now know how to convey an emotion" Tom, Omaha

"Phenomenal is the only word acute enough to describe the enticing activities that go on in Erics World." Owen, Belfast

"thanx fer makin this site, its cheered me up many a times." Geb, Massachusetts

"I love all of them. This is a brilliant idea. You rock :-)" Brianna, Australia

"This is one of the most original sites I have seen in a long time..." Eugeat, Oklahoma

"I swear, this is the worlds best web site. " Ralph, NY

"Hey Eric. Your website is quite unique and entertaining. I had milk shoot out of my nose with some of the pictures." Allan, Los Angeles

"this is one of the funniest web sites i've ever seen in my whole life." Daria, New Jersey

"My I think that you are an emotional guy. Most men aren't in touch with their emotions. I'm thinking that you are the perfect male speciman!!!!!" Carol, Montana

"You are the most hilarious person i've ever hoped to see on the web" Mark, Virginia

"Great job Eric, you made me laugh, you made me laugh more, i'll come back and visit again sometime...." Chris, Washington

"Eric, you are dumb, Who are you trying to kid?" Eric, California

"Shutup Eric, you're just jealous." Eric, California

"Why would I be jealous of you? please." Eric, California

Last, and least, are the various awards and mentions.